Standing on the Corner

A lecture for performance follows metaphors and histories associated with the social lives of street corners with the visual aid of a folding ruler. proceeding from a lecture room to an actual corner puts theory into practice.

corner society
Launched August 2006

  • first performance (top): Edinburgh Fringe Festival, August 15, 2006 Philly Fringe, Sept. 9, 2006

    first performance (top): Edinburgh Fringe Festival, August 15, 2006 Philly Fringe, Sept. 9, 2006

  • Noted phrenologist and builder Orson Fowler ascribed spatial and psychological powers to corners and advocated multiplying them for domestic transcendence.

    Noted phrenologist and builder Orson Fowler ascribed spatial and psychological powers to corners and advocated multiplying them for domestic transcendence.

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